Jordan's profile picture

Jordan's profile picture
Sister Frost

Monday, April 21, 2014

Letters home

I received the following letter from Jordan and I feel I need to share, just in case it happens to contain what one of you just might need to hear today, too.

A little background to the letter: Jordan had been teaching a woman and her daughter about Jesus, but the woman seemed hesitant and Jordan couldn't figure out what it was.  A few days later the woman finally told her she didn't believe she was good enough or worthy of Jesus' love, and she hoped one day she would be.  But until she became a better person, Jesus would never love her fully.

Jordan writes:

"I want to bear my testimony to you as I did her.  Christ did not come for the perfect.  He came for the broken, those who are imperfect, those who want to be better.  The Church is not for the perfect. The Church is the way to develop our divine potentional, to become more like Christ, in the knowledge that someday, after this life, we can be with Him. He loves every single one of us, unconditionally."

Our world changer is changing my world.

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